Band7IELTS : IELTS Exam Preparation

Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood

A model answer for IELTS speaking band score of 7.0 talk about a toy you liked in your childhood. What was the toy? Who gave it to you? How often did you play with that? and explain why you liked the toy.

Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Question :

Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood.

You should say:

What was the toy?

Who gave it to you?

How often did you play with that?

and explain why you liked the toy.

A Modal answer with band 7+

OK! I used to play with lots of toys in my childhood and I remember vividly the one toy which was my favourite. It was a remote car and run on the dry batteries. It had one joystick to control the car.

On my 12th birthday, my father gave me as a gift. Prior to this toy I had some other cars too, but they were more manual, I used to pull them backwards in order to accelerate in the forward direction. When I opened the remote toy car, I was surprised by the amazing car because I did not have and seen such toys before. My father also warned me that I shouldn't damage the car else I would never get such toys in future. I played with the toy very carefully.

I used to play almost every day after school. When my parents noticed that playing with this toy distracting me from my academic performance, I got a warning that I should only play with it for 15-20 minutes a day. I had no choice, but I was still happy that I could at least play with it. Sometimes I also used to take my remote car in school to show friends.

Overall, I was attracted by its function that without touching the car it is moving and diverted my mind to think about how it works. I will always remember my childhood toy and I bought a similar toy for my son.