Band7IELTS : IELTS Exam Preparation

Describe something you made with hand for your friend

A model answer for IELTS speaking band score of 7.0 or above about describe something you made with a hand for your friend the detail explanation about a score.

Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Question :

Describe something that you made with your hand for your friend.

You should say:

What was it?

When you made it?

How long it took to complete?

and explain how you felt for it?

A Modal answer with band 7+

Ok, every now and then I prepare handcrafts for occasions such as anniversary, wedding ceremony, etc. However, I'd like to talk about a special sweet dish that I made the first time for my classmates. This is also one of my favourite dishes. In the Indian language, we called it "Gulab Jamun". This is rounded in shape and golden or black in colour.

I vividly remember that it was a month ago when I made this for my birthday party. Even though I made this first time with the help of a youtube channel, I prepared it delicious. All my guests had rejoiced about the dish when they ate it. It was the icing on the cake for them because I had also prepared another two lovely sweet dishes.

It is a piece of cake to cook that anyone could make with few steps and it requires less than an hour for experts. For me, it took approximately two hours as I was doing it for the first time. You just need to mix cornstarch, milk powder with boiled water to make a dough ball, followed by preparing diameter ball with around a centimetre diameter. These small bolls then need to deep fry until its colour changes to golden or black. These deep-fried balls then must be immersed in the sweet water made of sugar and icing.

Overall, I will always remember it because it was the first recipe which I cooked impeccably. I would never forget how my friends enjoyed eating it.