Band7IELTS : IELTS Exam Preparation

Describe something you bought but did not use much

A model answer for IELTS speaking band score of 7.0, Describe something you bought but did use not. What is that? When did you buy? Why you bought it?

Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Question :

Talk about something you bought but did not use much.

You should say:

What was the thing?

When did you but it?

Why you bought it?

and explain why you didn't use it often?

A Modal answer with band 7+

Well, whenever I buy any items, I always consider its usage and durability, and its priority of how often I should use it. However, once when there was a big sale on the accessories of Computer, without thinking about usability, I had purchased a wireless keyboard and mouse.

I can vividly recall that day, it was a Year-End promotion in IT Hypermarket and on the last Christmas Eve I bought this. After my wife and I had been doing window shopping for 3 hours, I was enticed by 90% off on wireless keyboard and mouse, and instantly I bought it just for the sake of reduced price. This was followed by buying some more electronic gadgets such as a smartphone which I am using currently, and smartwatch which I gave a gift to my wife.

As I said before, I bought this only because of a discount price. Other than this I thought I could use this for my smart television too; however, later I discovered that the keyboard is not supported by the TV. As I have a MacBook with robust keyboard and mouse, I found these accessories are not much use to use for a laptop especially because it is uncomfortable and extra unnecessary items to carry everywhere. Because of this I don't use it much and now I handed over to my kids, they just play with it as it has all alphabets and numbers.

Overall, I can say that although buying these accessories is not worth for me, my kids are playing with it as toys at least they will gain basic knowledge of using keyboards. So it was still a pretty good deal for me.