Band7IELTS : IELTS Exam Preparation

Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal

What the animal was? Where did you see it? What does it like to eat? and explain how you felt when saw it.

Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Question :

Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal.

You should say:

What the animal was?

Where did you see it?

What does it like to eat?

and explain how you felt when saw it.

A Modal answer with band 7+

Yes, it is for sure a scary situation, when someone very close to a wild animal, because it could be dangerous sometimes. Here, I would like to talk about the time when I was very closed to the wild animal and also in a safe manner. I saw a tiger, but I didn't afraid of it.

I have been to the Zoo and there were a plethora of wild animals such as Snake, Lion, Gorilla, Tiger, and many more. This Zoo is located in Hyderabad a city in India, I have been there for a family trip and along with my wife and kids also have seen these wild animals very closely.

Tiger is a carnivore animal, so they mostly eat meat or the flesh of animals. I noticed that the management of Zoo takes care of all wild animals and gives them proper food from time to time. Tigers often attach to the other animals as their food and eat them.

As of that day, I had seen tigers only on video or photo, So when I saw them in real I afraid and look at them from far away. As I learned that they are in the cage, I moved further close and saw how immense their body is. If I have a change in the future I would love to see them again.