Band7IELTS : IELTS Exam Preparation

Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination

When it was? When did you need to use imagination? How difficult or easy it was? and explain how you felt about it.

Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Question :

Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination.

You should say:

What and when it was?

Why did you need to use imagination?

How difficult or easy it was?

and explain how you felt about it.

A Modal answer with band 7+

I believe that any innovations made in the world are influenced by imagination. Unknowingly, in our daily life, we often use our imagination from time to time. For example, if we walk from one place to another, automatically we calculate estimated time using imagination and experience. One such moment I would like to share is when I had to imagine any interesting place and then describe it. In fact, this was asked in one of the language tests last month I attended in Toronto.

In the language test, there was one component where we need to imagine something and then need to explain it. So I got the topic of any interesting city when I never visited and with imagination explain it. So I just think for a while about the city, how it has infrastructure and shopping malls how might be looking at this kind of things. And I explained it well as per my dream city.

For me, it wasn't much difficult, because whenever I got free I always keep dreaming about my dream city and its surrounding. So it was almost similar to me, but that time I also had the chance to think beyond my dream.

Overall, I thought imagination is a very important skill for our brain to keep active, and we must keep imaging various aspects. I felt that I must suggest to my friends the importance and power of imagination.